Nadine Coyle wants prayers for Cheryl

2010-07-08 11:28
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Nadine Coyle wants prayers for Cheryl

Nadine Coyle has urged people to say a prayer for Cheryl Cole to help her overcome her malaria battle.

The 25-year-old singer is very worried about the condition of her Girls Aloud bandmate - who was struck down with the tropical disease after apparently being bitten by a mosquito while holidaying in Tanzania - and is hoping she makes a speedy recovery.

Nadine tweeted: "Oh noo. You guys just told me about Cheryl I have been so paranoid about malaria my grandad had it. Let's say a wee prayer all is ok. Xx (sic)"

Cheryl has now reportedly been admitted to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases at University College London so medical experts can deal with the illness before it gets too serious.

A source close to the star said: "Cheryl is in a real battle but she is nothing but a fighter."

Nadine isn't the only person to take to twitter to send messages of support to Cheryl.

Sinitta - who works with Cheryl on Simon Cowell's pop star search show 'The X Factor' - took her page to ask everyone to pray for the 'Fight for This Love' singer.

Referring to Cheryl's maiden name Tweedy, she wrote: "I'm so sad about Tweedy-pie!... All of you prayer warriors out there please let's pray en mass for her total healing and complete recovery. (sic)"

Boy band JLS - who finished as runners-up on the 2008 series of 'The X Factor' - also tweeted: "Wanna send out our best wishes to Cheryl. Gutted to hear that you are ill. We are all thinking of you & hope you have the quickest recovery!x (sic)"

It seems mosquitoes - the blood-sucking insects which carry the potentially fatal disease, which affects blood flow in the body - are targeting the members of Girls Aloud.

Nadine was bitten by the "ruthless" pests while she was on holiday in Costa Rica.

She wrote on twitter on July 2: "We had an amazing holiday in the jungle of costa rica. The sea is warm the people are lovely. Wishing you a great day... I wish someone had warned us about the Mosquitos out there. They are ruthless. 1 st time to be bitten now I can sympathise. (sic)"