Taylor Momsen's knife confession

2010-05-14 11:23
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Taylor Momsen's knife confession

Taylor Momsen carries a knife.

The 'Gossip Girl' actress insists she feels "relaxed" by playing with the weapon, which she takes "everywhere" with her.

She admitted: "I have a knife collection. I have my favourite black knife with me all the time. It's a switchblade. It relaxes me to flick it. I close it and open it."

The 16-year-old star even came close to sparking a security alert after carrying blades on a recent flight from New York to Los Angeles.

She told the Metro newspaper: "I flew from New York to Los Angeles and still had a couple of knives in my purse. I thought I took them all out but they got tucked up in the folds.

"I went through security, took them on the plane, opened my bag to get my wallet in Los Angeles and they fell out. I was like, "Holy s**t!' "

Taylor has previously admitted she hates being viewed as a "role model" and has "no interest" in what other people think of her.

She said: "I smoke, so what? Why do people give a s**t what a 16-year-old girl who they've never met does? It's not like I'm sitting there going, 'Kids, you should go buy a pack of cigarettes.'

"When I walk outside with a cigarette and someone takes a picture of it and puts it on the internet, it's not my problem. I'm just living my life and I'm not gonna live my life for other people.

"I didn't get into this to be a role model for seven-year-olds. I have no interest in doing that."