China reaffirms to fulfill emission mitigation plans
2010-Jan-26 20:41:16

BEIJING: China on Tuesday reaffirmed its determination to fulfill its emission mitigation plans, adding it was considering reporting its recent emission cuts progress to the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu made the remarks at a regular press briefing in response to a question concerning a January 31 deadline set by the Copenhagen Accord for all parties to outlining emission cut goals for 2020.

"We believe currently priority should be given to the two-track negotiating process under the UNFCCC, and to convene the meeting of the two main negotiating groups as soon as possible to address existing disputes, in a bid to ensure positive progress from the UN climate change meeting in Mexico at the end of the year," said Ma.

The two-week-long Copenhagen negotiations mandated the two ad hoc working groups on long-term cooperative action under the UNFCCC and on further commitments for developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol to complete their work at the next climate conference in Mexico.

The Copenhagen Accord, a non-legally binding document, was adopted after the Copenhagen conference, which asked developed countries to submit to the UNFCCC Secretariat their compulsory emission cuts goals for 2020 before January 31 this year. Developing countries were required to submit their voluntary mitigation actions for 2020 before January 31.

"China supports the Copenhagen Accord, and believes it embodies all parties' political willingness to address climate change, and uphold the principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' as well as the dual-track mechanism of the Bali Road Map negotiations," said Ma.

"It has also laid foundation for cementing international cooperation on climate change and injected impetus for future negotiations," he said.

Prior to the Copenhagen climate change conference, the Chinese government announced a goal to cut emissions intensity per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level.

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