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Is it a puppet government?
yapchongyee  Updated: 2004-06-15 14:23

Iraq have legal right to claim civil damages against America! Is the America installed puppet interim Iraqi government truly sovereign?

The American administration heralded to the world at large, unashamedly, that they (US) will hand back sovereignty to the Iraqi people; but is this not another cruel American and dirty trick ? Yes ! It is another dirty American trick that is known by all in the world, but they know that in the community of Nations, the United Nations no less, their empty words will be glossed over and no one will become the wiser. However, I have the answer that will equally expose the Americans for the liars that they are. This is the subject that I will discuss in this article and I invite Al-Jazeera and Al Arabiyah to discuss this topic on their program.

The world community has no voice and if we are to look to the United Nations to voice the truth then our wait will just as futile and will be in vain. The United Nations is the voice of America and Mr Kofi Annand is a civil servant of the American state department and you can be sure that nothing will come of it.

The answer that will reveal the devil in the USA Administration is staring US in the face, while the whole of the Arab and Muslim world been distracted by all the irrelevant talk of the handing back of the sovereignty to the Iraqi People. If the American are sincere in wanting to hand back sovereignty to the Iraqi People and that it is true sovereignty that they have handed to all these returned traitors, then let the American puppet government perform their duty as independent Iraqi sovereign government, in a manner that is their duty as Iraqi sovereign government to perform; and that is to try in open court and in public the claims of those of the Iraqi people who have suffered loss or damage in property, from the bombing destruction and the illegal invasion of Iraq.

A sovereign government means that the courts of law and justice are in the complete control of the sovereign of Iraq. The word " sovereignty" is defined as "the condition of political independence and self government" and the absolute right of the sovereign state to exercise sovereign right. The Courts of Law of Iraq is an integral component of the Iraqi sovereign state; therefore, the people of Iraq who have suffered loss of life and limb and loss and damage to their property has an absolute claim against the American government for bringing so much unjustifiable damage upon the Iraqi people.

According to the legal precedent set by the case of civil damages brought against the government of Col. Gaddafi of Libya, The Iraqi people have their absolute right to claim compensation against all the member states of the coalition of the willing. There is no requirement for the Iraqi claiments to sue in an American Court to get justice because the legal precedent set by the award of damages against is sufficient authority to give jurisdiction to an Iraqi court to award damages to own Iraqis.

Here is the real test as much for the American aggressors as for the phony American installed Iraqi Interim Government. The Iraqi Court of a Sovereign State of Iraq has all the powers to award damages in their courts against anyone who suffers damage caused by the actions of another. It does not have to be according to Anglo American rules of law; it is perfectly all right to judge the civil claim according to the laws of the sovereign state of Iraq.

What if Iraqi laws do not have provisions that will allow for the claim for damages for destruction of property and life ? In such a situation, the Iraqi sovereign state has the duty and legislative powers to enact laws that will allow Iraqi claimants to sue members of the coalition of the willing to pay for the damages.

There is already a whole lot of precedent that will ground the right of Iraqis for damages and that is the precedent set by the case of col. Gaddafi's case. Go read the full deliberations of this case and Iraqis can claim trillions of damages. The numbers of claimants in the Gaddafi case only numbered a couple of hundred; but in our claims by the Iraqis they number in the millions and the destruction to life and property numbers in the trillions of US dollars.

In the Gaddy case, all western governments imposed a blockade on Libya and Libyan bank accounts in western countries were frozen to force Gaddafi to comply with the decision of the Court; so in the same way the sovereign government of Iraq will also have to same right to demand that all members of the United Nations impose similar measures to force the American government to pay compensation and civil damages imposed by a court of an Iraqi Sovereign government. The revenue from the sale of Iraqi oil that belongs to any American oil company will be frozen and be garnished by an Iraqi court order and be made available to be distributed to all Iraqi claimants according to the order of court.

This is the right and duty of a sovereign government; therefore let the muslim world know that Iraqis have more than sufficient funds to satisfy the claimants right to compensation and reconstruction.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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