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Updated: 2005-12-28 09:48





A model wears make-up by Yosi Biton during a fashion show at the Castra Kenyon in Haifa December 27, 2005. The event, which was attended by members of The Society for The Blind, was held as part ofHanukkahcelebrations.  (AP)




Blind Israeli girl Shirley Kremer (L) walks with a model during a fashion show in the Castra Kenyon in Haifa December 27, 2005. The event, which was attended by members of The Society for The Blind, was held as part of Hanukkah celebrations.(AP)




People stand beside a huge illuminated menorah at the Chrismukkah Market at the Jewish Museum in Berlin, November 27, 2005. Berlin's Jewish Museum is for the first time holding its own traditional-style market of the sort that dot German cities at this time of year, but this one is for Chrismukkah -- in German 'Weihnukkah' -- a merger of Christian Christmas and the 8-day Jewish Hanukkah.(AP)



Hanukkah: Also called: Feast of Dedication Feast of Lightsa long wave on water that moves continuously without breaking (光明节是犹太传统节日,又称哈努卡节、灯节,共持续8天,人们每天都要在烛台上点燃一支蜡烛以示纪念。)

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