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Updated: 2006-01-18 09:03

 "Brokeback Mountain" wins four Golden Globe Honors


 "Brokeback Mountain" wins four Golden Globe Honors

Director Ang Lee holds up his award for Best Director - Motion Picture for "Brokeback Mountain" at the 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California January 16, 2006.

George Clooney won the supporting-actor Golden Globe on Monday for the oil-industry thriller "Syriana" and Rachel Weisz earned the supporting-actress prize for the murder thriller "The Constant Gardener."

Their wins solidify their prospects for the same honors at the Academy Awards.

The cowboy romance "Brokeback Mountain" led the Golden Globes on Monday with four prizes, including best dramatic film and the directing honor for Ang Lee.

It was a triumphant night for films dealing with homosexuality and transsexuality. Along with the victories for "Brokeback Mountain," acting honors went to Felicity Huffman in a gender-bending role as a man preparing for sex-change surgery in "Transamerica" and Philip Seymour Hoffman as gay author Truman Capote in "Capote."

"I know as actors our job is usually to shed our skins, but I think as people our job is to become who we really are and so I would like to salute the men and women who brave ostracism, alienation and a life lived on the margins to become who they really are," Huffman said.

The Johnny Cash biography "Walk the Line" won the Globe for best musical or comedy film and earned acting honors for stars Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon.

Director Lee's "Brokeback Mountain," the story of two rugged Western family men (Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal) concealing their affair, has emerged as a front-runner for the Oscars - which occasionally have handed out top acting prizes for performers in homosexual or gender-bending roles but have never given the best-picture Oscar to a gay-themed film.

Oscar nominations come out Jan. 31, with the awards presented March 5.

"Brokeback Mountain" also won for best screenplay and song, "A Love That Will Never Grow Old." 


A Love That Will Never Grow Old












screenplay  :the script for a movie(电影剧本)



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