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Updated: 2005-09-28 11:19
Most want income tax threshold to be raised 

在昨日举行的个税扣除标准听证会上,表态的25位听证陈述人中,只有8位对1500元扣除额表示赞同,超过70%的代表提出应提高至1600元、2000元甚至3000元。 这些投"反对票"的甚至还包括了地方财税部门负责人。个人所得税到底要如何征收才能既维护大多数人的利益又不损失国家的财政收入呢?


They debated, they differed and dug deep for a solution to a vexing issue: How can personal income tax be levied to benefit as many as possible while at the same time ensuring State finances do not suffer too much?

The two main concerns were: what should be the income threshold to pay taxes and whether there should be a unified tax rate across the country?

While no conclusion was meant to be reached at the country's first-ever legislative hearing on the hot-button issue held yesterday in Beijing, it is clear that people's views are actively being sought on a matter of national concern.

Whatever the eventual outcome, foreigners - who pay income tax only if their monthly income exceeds 4,000 yuan (US$493) - would not be affected, said a senior taxation official.

But many foreign businessmen and enterprises are likely to be keenly watching developments as most of their employees are Chinese and changes would have a bearing on their income levels.

Last month, the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, deliberated but was divided on a draft amendment to the Law on Personal Income Tax, which proposed raising the threshold at which income tax is levied from 800 yuan (US$99) to 1,500 yuan (US$185) per month.

A public hearing was then called to solicit opinion from various circles.

(China Daily)



vexing: extremely annoying or displeasing(恼人的)

legislative hearing: (立法听证会)

bearing: relevant relationship or interconnection(影响)

deliberate on: (审议)

solicit opinion: (征集意见)


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