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Iran's new president:Scrap all WMDs
(China Daily)
Updated: 2005-08-04 06:01

He pledged to pay "special attention to the disadvantaged," in a speech that also paid homage to the founder of the Islamic republic Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiny, to the "martyrs of the revolution" and veterans of the war with Iraq.

It was the first indication from Ahmadinejad of how Iran will look under his rule. The first non-cleric to hold the post since 1981, he is Iran's sixth president since the revolution and will serve a four-year term.

Ahmadinejad has pledged to extend "the hand of friendship" to the international community, and made clear that he is ready to work with any country that does not show animosity to Iran.

Landslide victory

According to the constitution of the Islamic republic, yesterday's ceremony marked the beginning of the new president's assumption of power, but he will also be sworn in at another inauguration held on Saturday in the Majlis - Iran's parliament.

Ahmadinejad, the former Teheran mayor, defeated former President Rafsanjani with a landslide victory of 61.69 per cent of the total eligible votes in the ninth presidential election in June.

Ahmadinejad earned his positive reputation from the merits of improving the traffic condition and stabilizing prices in the sprawling and polluted capital city.

He has an uncompromising attitude towards the nuclear issue and relations with the United States.

At his first press conference after being elected, Ahmadinejad said his cabinet would "never give up Iran's legal rights under any circumstances" and would have no intention to improve relations with the United States.
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