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Smith: United will be back on top
Updated: 2005-07-12 15:57

Manchester United striker Alan Smith is confident the Old Trafford club will re-establish themselves as the best in the country next season.

Smith would sacrifice a place at next season's World Cup finals to help United topple Premiership champions Chelsea.

"We know we are good enough," Smith told The Sun. "In 12 months I will be saying 'I told you so'."

He added: "People like Giggsy and Scholesy, who have done it all, are still so enthusiastic and driven to win it this time. It's quite incredible to see.

"It inspires the rest of us and it is up to people like me, Rio Ferdinand and Wayne Rooney to take up the mantle. I have never won anything, so it's about time I did - and United is the place to do it."

Smith is not worrying about winning a place in Sven-Goran Eriksson's squad for next summer's World Cup finals in Germany should England qualify.

The United forward said: "This season is not about whether Alan Smith gets to the World Cup, it is about United and how we perform as a team.

"If I play every game for United, we win the big trophies and I don't get in the England World Cup squad, it won't bother me one bit.

"If England come along - and you would think it would if I had a good season - then that's great. But United is all I have on my mind."

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