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Updated: 2005-06-14 09:34

London's St Paul's unveils interior renovation

伦敦圣保罗大教堂走过三百年风雨 内部翻修焕然一新

London's St Paul's unveils interior renovation
London's St Paul's unveils interior renovation

The interior of one of London's most renowned landmarks, St Paul's cathedral, has been given a multi-million pound facelift.

St Paul's, a site of Christian worship since 607 AD, has been obscured by scaffolding for the last four years during the 10.8 million pound renovation.

On Thursday its gleaming new look was unveiled, a key stage in an overall 40 million pound renovation of architect Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece in time for its 300th anniversary in 2008.

"People can now see this building as it was first conceived and built," the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral Dr John Moses told Reuters.

"I think just to see a building that's been part of the story of London for 300 years looking today, cleaned, revived, restored and looking its best, is fabulous."

Restorers cleaned thousands of metres of stonework, erecting and dismantling scaffolding before daybreak throughout the four years so as not to disturb the cathedral's day-to-day worship.

Dulled mosaics were cleaned with cotton buds, and a latex-based "facemask" was applied to the stonework and its centuries of London smog, although one panel was left so visitors can see the difference.

"It had the effect of making the place gloomy when it shouldn't have been," architect Martin Stancliff said of the grime. "It absorbed light rather than reflected it."

Banker Robin Fleming funded the work on the interior but Sir Roger Gibbs, chairman of the fundraising committee, stressed that more cash is still needed to complete external work.

Of the 40 million pounds needed, 33 million has been raised so far.

The old St Paul's was destroyed in the great Fire of London in 1666. Wren was commissioned to design the current building shortly afterwards.





“现在人们所看到的圣保罗大教堂,和当初设计建造时一模一样,” 圣保罗大教堂的主教约翰·摩西博士对路透社记者说。












facelift : 整形,翻新

scaffolding: a scaffold or system of scaffolds(脚手架或整个脚手架系统)

conceive: to form or develop in the mind; devise(构思,设计)

mosaic: a picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface(马赛克图画或装饰性的设计,镶嵌图案)

latex: an emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products(胶乳,橡胶)



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