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Iran tests new solid fuel rocket with 2,000 km range
Updated: 2005-05-31 14:39

Iran has tested a new missile using solid-fuel technology that matches the more than 2,000 kilometer (1,280 mile) range of its Shahab-3 rocket, the Islamic republic's defence minister was quoted as saying.

Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani said the test, carried out on Sunday, was "100 percent successful."

Iran has recently upgraded the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, believed to be based on a North Korean design, to have a range of at least 2,000 kilometres -- leaving arch-enemy Israel and US bases in the region well within range.

The Shahab-3 is based on liquid-fuel technology.

Tehran's rapid progress on its ballistic missile programme is a major cause for concern among the international community, particularly Israel, which is already alarmed over Iran's nuclear activities.

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