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Updated: 2005-05-24 10:31

Clinton acknowledges memoir too long

昔日总统长篇累牍惹人厌 媒体大众冷嘲热讽不留情

Clinton acknowledges memoir too long

Romanians wait to get autographs from former U.S. President Bill Clinton in Bucharest, Romania May 21, 2005. Clinton launched the Romanian edition of his book 'My Life' on Saturday. (REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel)

In the paperback edition of "My Life," former President Clinton acknowledges that his memoir may have been too long, recounts some friendly faces from his book tour and some odder ones sighted under the influence of anesthesia as he underwent heart surgery last September.

"At first I saw a series of dark faces, like death masks , flying toward me and being crushed," writes Clinton, whose book comes out May 31 in both trade and mass market paperback. "Then I saw circles of light with the faces of Hillary, Chelsea, and others I cared about flying toward me, then away into a bright, sun-like source."

When Clinton regained consciousness after surgery, he "waved to people, said I was all right, and laughed." At least, that's what his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, told him. The former president himself doesn't remember.

"My Life" has sold just under 2.2 million copies in its 957-page hardcover edition, and interest apparently is strong for the paperback. The trade paperback, which has the same dimensions as hardcover, will have a first printing of 300,000 to 50,000 copies more than originally announced. The mass market paperback, a cheaper, pocket-sized edition, will have two volumes, the first with a printing of 600,000, the second in late June at 575,000.

Much of the new material --- a 12-page afterword, and a brief preface --- summarizes Clinton's recent activities, from the building of his presidential library in Little Rock, Ark., to raising money for Tsunami victims. He also offers a quick analysis of last year's presidential election.

Clinton acknowledges complaints about the book's length and names a possible culprit , his wife. He calls the senator's memoirs, "Living History," a "fine book" and says that her success "added to the pressure" for him to meet a June 2004 deadline.

"Most people thought it was too long - a fair criticism. Thomas Jefferson once said that if he had had more time he could have written shorter letters," writes Clinton, whose afterword helps make the trade paperback even longer, 969 pages.

Many reviewers were bored by "My Life." The Associated Press likening it to being trapped "in a small room with a very gregarious man who insists on reading his entire appointment book, day by day, beginning in 1946."














paperback: a book having a flexible paper binding.(平装本)

anesthesia: local or general insensibility to pain with or without the loss of consciousness, induced by an anesthetic(麻醉手术)

death mask
: a cast of a person's face taken after death(死人面部模型,戴在死人脸上的模型)

hardcover: 硬封面书,精装本

culprit: one guilty of a fault or crime(犯人,罪魁祸首)

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