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Updated: 2005-05-18 09:32

Bush gets $14,000 shotgun, $2,700 bike as gifts


Bush gets $14,000 shotgun, $2,700 bike as gifts

Bush gets $14,000 shotgun, $2,700 bike as gifts

A $14,153 shotgun with accessories, a $2,700 bike and thousands of dollars worth of fishing gear topped the list of gifts received by President Bush last year.

While the president's gift list had a distinctly outdoorsy theme, Vice President Dick Cheney received more artsy presents such as paintings and a statue, according to annual financial disclosure documents released on Friday.

Cheney gave Bush a $595 desk clock for Christmas that is currently telling time in the Oval Office. Bush gave the vice president a $425 floor globe.

In 2004, Bush received gifts that totaled $26,346, many from friends in his home state of Texas, and about four times the $5,934 value of gifts given to Cheney.

The most expensive single gift Bush received was the shotgun with "accessory tools" from Roy Weatherby Jr. of California.

Don Evans, the president's close friend and former commerce secretary, gave him a fishing rod, shirt, three caps and fishing bait valued at $208; a hardcover book "Longhorn" worth $240; and a $149 sweater.

Bush received a total of five fishing rods, with the most expensive priced at $900 with travel case.

Bush, an avid biker, received a $2,700 mountain bicycle that he uses in the Washington area, and helmets, gloves and other equipment worth $532 from John Burke of Wisconsin.

Classical pianist Van Cliburn from Texas gave Bush $650 gold cuff links.

And for his cowboy wardrobe, Bush received a brown pair of $295 cowboy boots from Rocky Carroll of Houston, Texas, and a $400 cowboy hat from Mickey Foster of Austin, Texas.

Cheney received a $1,600 painting, a $700 replica of a statue outside of Cabella's store in Minnesota, and an $800 framed landscape painting.

He also received a $490 sterling silver engraved bowl, a $350 silver apple made by Fornari and Fornari, as well as a $120 Namiki Vanishing Point Black Carbonesque pen.

Family friend Donald Vinson of Wyoming gave Cheney 12 bottles of assorted wines valued at $699.

The president and vice president are required to report gifts from U.S. citizens that cost more than $285. They are not allowed to accept personal gifts from foreigners or foreign governments.

The majority of gifts are not accepted for their personal use, but rather on behalf of the United States and sent to the National Archives.













切尼还收到一个价值490美元的纯银雕花碗;一个由Fornari & Fornari制作的镀银苹果,价值350美元;还有一只120美元的“并木”牌黑色碳素钢笔。








shotgun: 霰弹枪;猎枪;鸟枪

fishing rod: 钓杆

cuff link: 男子衬衫袖的链扣,通常由两个钮扣或象钮扣的部分组成,用以固定衬衫袖口

replica: 复制品

sterling silver: 标准纯银,一种由92.5%的银与其他金属的合金

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