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Contempt of court

墨西哥国会7日投票表决,剥夺了首都墨西哥城市长曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔的司法豁免权,这意味着他可能因在一场土地争端中蔑视法庭而被判刑。因此,在民意调查中领先的洛佩斯可能无缘明年的总统选举,并面临免职和牢狱之灾。外电报道如下:Mexico's most popular politician, the mayor of Mexico City, is likely to be fired and go to jail pending trial.

By a vote of 360 to 127 Thursday, the nation's Congress stripped Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's immunity from prosecution, so he can be charged with contempt of court in a minor land dispute.

The move could also preclude the leftist from presidential elections next year.

Contempt of court意为“蔑视法庭,藐视法庭”,例如:commit for contempt (of court)(判处藐视法庭罪);contempt of Congress(藐视国会)。根据美国法律,犯此罪者应罚款或坐牢)。



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