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Updated: 2005-03-25 10:00
Super Bowl Headed to New York, Pending New Stadium

近日,NFL(美国橄榄球联盟)已经批准2010年美国橄榄球联赛总决赛(俗称“超级碗 Super Bowl”)将在纽约举行。橄榄球作为美国的第一运动,已经超越了比赛的界限,它不但成了一个节日,一种文化,还成了拉动经济的最有效工具。在美国,举办超级碗,就犹如举办一次奥运会。


New England Patriots' linebacker Tedy Bruschi, seen here in Super Bowl XXXIX, is reportedly to have surgery to repair a hole in his heart. [Agencies]

The Super Bowl will be played in New York City in February 2010, if the city can get a new stadium built on the west side of Manhattan for the New York Jets.

NFL owners gave their approval for New York to be the host of Super Bowl XLIV during meetings Wednesday in Hawaii.

"We're thrilled about this announcement," said Jets owner Woody Johnson. "I want to thank the NFL membership for granting the New York Jets and the city and state of New York the opportunity to showcase this week-long, mega-event in the greatest city in the world. The Super Bowl is more than a football game. The Super Bowl will have a tremendous impact on the local economy, and generate revenue for the community."

The proposed new stadium will have a retractable roof and is also part of New York City's bid for the 2012 Olympics.

Last March, the Jets and New York City officials unveiled their plan for a multi-purpose facility that would feature a 75,000-seat stadium. The team is set to commit $800 million to the nearly $2 billion project that would be built over the rail yards currently owned by the Metropolitan Transit Authority.

However, the MTA has other bidders for the land, including Cablevision -- the owners of nearby Madison Square Garden. Since a new stadium would likely take away entertainment business from MSG, Cablevision has offered the MTA more money for the property.

The MTA is expected to accept one of the bids by March 31.

The Jets currently play in Giants Stadium at the Meadowlands across the Hudson River in New Jersey, with a lease that expires in 2008.



retractable:capable of being retracted(可回收的)


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