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Karl Rove could help shape US media coverage
tsupasat  Updated: 2004-11-17 11:08

The lies and defamation have gone on too long. Yes, there are problems in america. Yes, perhaps some chinese tourist gets beaten by a gay border officer. Yes, there is a corrupt politician here and there. Yes, a u.s. solider shoots an Iraqi terrorist.

But the reality is much different than what we see here on the china daily forum. The real situation is a mole hill ... if anything at all. but the u.s. media makes it into a mountain. the overseas haters of the united states make that mountain into an entire continent.

The lies have to stop.

I demand that my government crack down on these liberal media reporters. They all have european-influences anyway. When's the last time you saw a u.s. journalist watching nascar? which u.s. journalist has a 10-point rack of deer antlers in their living room?

No, instead, they spend their evenings sipping french bordeaux. they wake up in the morning complaining about honest american leaders like george bush, and they spend their days thinking up headlines that will make america look bad abroad.

Beware, chinese and european people, you have been fed lies by the biased american press.

Please, u.s. media, have some decency with the facts.

The u.s. government ought to establish a new federal agency to monitor truth in the media. It would be separate from the federal communications commission, which has the problem of partisan indecisiveness. Instead, this new group would be entirely comprised of political appointees that can deftly defend american image abroad. Someone like karl rove should head this group and help shape u.s. media coverage.

We need to reinstitute the blacklists. i have written only a little here. this is actually a very sensitive matter. millions of american lives are at stake -- we need to root out the cancer before it spreads. we need the house committee on un-american activities again.

To my american comrades: stand proud. be american. if you see your neighbor reading the new york times, be sure to leave a message at this site:

The only real freedom is freedom from terrorism. freedom from lies. freedom from providing overseas hostile elements the weapons to use against us.

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