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The differences between Chinese and western culture
whampoa  Updated: 2004-10-15 09:08

The list …

Except for "spitting in public", I really see nothing wrong with the rest.

China and the Chinese are unique, I should say. I was in China recently and I love it.

The Westerners are real diehards. They are brought up in an environment where they have been brainwashed into thinking that their culture is the best.

To be civilized or polite is not to shout, talk but keep everything to yourself. They call "consideration" but I think it is a repression. If D. Kelly had been a Chinese or had learned from the Chinese, he probably would still be around.

In my recent visit to China, I feel "free".

Someone criticized the Chinese traffic system as "chaotic". Yes, in a way and when you first try to cross the roads …… But you never feel unsafe on Chinese roads. In the West, if you are on the wrong side of the road, you never know when you will be sliced in two.

Not all things western are good or the best. In fact, there are many flaws and sometimes too many. Learn to appreciate the Chinese and the Chinese ways of doing things, and you will realise what you have been missing.

The Westerners do not like to talk or be asked about their age, especially women. What's wrong with that? Why repressed, why hide? If you age, we can tell. Botox may help you today but you can't lie forever.

On my way to the hotel from the airport, the taxi driver asked in our casual conversation how old I was. I did not feel offended.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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