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Updated: 2004-09-30 15:38
Child art prodigy wows New York

小小神童震惊纽约画坛 四岁女孩与绘画大师比肩

Child art prodigy wows New York

Marla Olmstead seems oblivious to the attention (Agencies)

A four-year-old girl is wowing the New York art world with paintings that are drawing comparisons with Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky.

Marla Olmstead, from Binghampton, in New York state, has been painting since just before she was two years old.

Using brushes, spatulas , her fingers and even ketchup bottles, she is creating canvases of six by six foot.

The prodigy has already sold about 25 paintings, raising $40,000 and a new exhibition opens this week.

Father Mark, speaking to reporters while on a trip to New York city to do television interviews, said: "She does her own thing, she uses a lot of paint but is oblivious to the whole thing."

He said she had first started painting shortly before her second birthday as her father tried to stop her distracting him from his own amateur art.

"It was me attempting to paint. I painted my wife's portrait and I gave her the paint as a diversionary tactic.

"She went at it with all colours. Initially she directed me, and then it evolved to the canvas.

"I'm her assistant, I hand her the brushes. She doesn't appreciate that most artists have to wait longer to have an assistant," he joked.

Mr Olmstead said his daughter's work was evolving as she developed into a mature artist.

"She is evolving with technique and her handling of the brush. She seems a little more cautious."

Gallery owner Anthony Brunelli said of 10 pieces about to go on show, six were already sold, and that the remaining four could fetch between $8-10,000.

He said Marla's work was unbelievable for a child.

"Her paintings have vibrant colours. They're very expressive in the way the paint is applied, brush, spatula, her fingers. Some are Kandinskyesque and some are Pollockesque.

Mr Brunelli's assessment of Marla's prospects as an adult artist are cautious.

"You never can tell. I've seen her progressing over the past year. The four she just did, each one gets better."  



















spatula: a small implement having a broad, flat, flexible blade that is used especially to mix, spread, or lift material(调色刀)

prodigy: a person with exceptional talents or powers(非凡的人、奇才)

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