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Plenum topic suggests change in Party lines
Ling Hu  Updated: 2004-09-17 08:42

The Communist Party of China's 16th Central Committee opened its fourth plenary session in Beijing yesterday.

Apart from routinely deliberating policies, the four-day plenum is expected to feature a major topic that may have far-reaching implications for the country's future: How to strengthen the Party's ability to govern.

This indicates the leadership's recognition of the profound changes of times that are calling for better economic and social administration as well as greater political transparency.

The past 20-odd years' economic boom has meant quantitative growth alone will not be enough for China to advance further. The ruling party is having a tough job sustaining what it has achieved and letting all members of society share the fruits of its prosperity.

Although the administration's efforts to cool down the overheated economy are paying off, there is still a long way to go to maintain sustainable economic progress.

The Party also needs to be more attentive to the social products of a growing market system, such as unemployment and a widening wealth gap.

Party policies should include more on social administration and public welfare.

Since the public are in particular more aware of the protection of private property and civil rights, the leadership is expected to be more responsive to this issue.

Despite its promise to abide by the Constitution and execute the rule of law, the Party needs effective measures to contain the abuse of power that occurs at times.

The Party needs to be relentless in fighting corruption, which has become one of the biggest sources of public discontent and a make-or-break issue for its administration.

China's economic and social transition has reached a crucial point, setting an unprecedented test for the Party's competence to govern the country.

By making the Party's governance an open topic, the ongoing plenum has sent an encouraging signal that the leadership has acknowledged the pitfalls and is willing to change with the times.

The Party is exploring the answer to the challenges ahead, while checking the pulse of the times and remaining loyal to the interests of the people it claims to represent.

(China Daily)

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