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Police deny unfair treatment in Alex Ho case
By Albert Au Yeung (China Daily HK Edition)
Updated: 2004-09-09 09:36

Dongguan Public Security Bureau yesterday released more evidence on Alex Ho Wai-to's prostitution case to refute allegations that he was treated unfairly.

Ho, a Democratic Party candidate for this Sunday's Legislative Council (LegCo) election, was taken into custody on August 13 for patronizing a prostitute in the township. He is being held for six months.

The additional evidence was made public yesterday at a press conference presided by bureau spokesman Li Zelin.

Li explained that the press conference was held in response to attacks on mainland authorities over Ho's case.

Li rejected the suggestion that the case was a conspiracy.

He pointed out that it was not until the details of Ho were publicized outside the mainland that the bureau came to know that he was a candidate in the LegCo election.

Li showed to the media a number of photographs taken at the crime scene and the correction centre, and disclosed that Ho has confessed that he had patronized prostitutes in Shenzhen many times since 2001.

The detention of Ho was based on irrefutable evidence and there is nothing unfair in this case, Li said.

Ho's physical condition was satisfactory and he is being treated humanely at the detention centre where the living environment is good. Even though he has contracted hepatitis B, his disease is not infectious, Li said.

Li did not say when Ho would be released and stressed that everything would be done according to the law.

Ho's case has sparked a strong outcry in Chinese society, especially among women. Leaders of women's groups that China Daily interviewed all blasted Ho for his deed.

Fei Fih, executive committee member of the All China Women's Federation, was appalled over the allegations relating to Ho.

"In free societies, things like this happen and are hard to thoroughly eradicate. But at least politicians should not do it. It does no good to social morality and is very unfair to women, especially to Ho's wife and children," she said.

Lilianna Au Yim-lung, special representative of Shenzhen Women's Federation, said that Ho's action dealt a severe blow to his wife.

"A politician must be discreet in his private life and have a good conduct. He must not overstep the limits. Otherwise how can he serve the people and be a legislator? How can society place its trust on a person who has cheated his wife and family?" she exclaimed.

Cora Chan Wan, executive committee member of Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation, said that persons who lack credibility are not qualified to be legislators and serve the people.

"Legislators must meet certain moral requirements. Those who hold public positions, particularly men with families, must respect women and their families. Ho's actions will have a very bad influence on social morality."

Ho is contesting in the Kowloon East geographical constituency on the same ticket with and behind Fred Li and Wu Chi-wai.

Other candidates in the constituency are Alan Leong and the teams of Chan Yuen-han, Chan Kam-lam and Albert Cheng.

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