Full Coverages>China>CIFIT 2004>About Xiamen

Tourist Attractions in Xiamen
Updated: 2004-08-08 16:02

Xiamen is a well-known tourist port city in the Southeast coast of China. It is one of the Cleanest Cities of China, the Garden Cities of China, the National Environmental Protection Model Cities, and the best sightseeing cities in China. Not only being wealthy with travel resources, Xiamen has also temperate weather, fast and convient transport and communication, and complete travel establishments.

In the old times, there were "Eight Major Landscapes" and "Eight Minor Landscapes" "Landscapes Beyond Landscapes" in Xiamen and alteghter 24 scenic spots were included in the three general terms. Some of the 24 sights, such as "Wonderland of Gulang", "Five Old Gentlemen Reaching the Clouds", "Watching Sunrise on Hongji Summit", "Night Moon by Tiger Brook", "White Deer Spurting Smoke", still can be traced today.

By reorganizing old landscapes and developing new sceneries, Xiamen has formed five main Tourist areas-- Gulangyu Island Tourist Area, Nanputuo Temple Tourist Area, Wangshi Rock Tourist Area, Huangcuo Tourist Area and Jimei Tourist Area. Beside its richful travel resources and pleasant weather, Xiamen also provides fast and convenient transportation and communication, and complete travel establishments. All these makes Xiamen one of the most suitable cities for investors and tourists in China.

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