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Bayern beat Bremen to win League Cup
Updated: 2004-08-03 08:55

Sebastian Deisler scored two goals and set up another to lead Bayern Munich to a 3-2 victory over Bundesliga Champion Werder Bremen in the German League Cup final Monday, before hobbling off the field with a knee injury.

Deisler, who has had five knee operations, missed much of last season after seeking treatment for a depression. He had an outstanding game until he fell down following a challenge in the 70th minute, clutching his left knee.

Bayern beat Bremen to win League Cup. [sina.com.cn]

The mercurial midfielder got up and left the field on his own power, hobbling slightly. But he was back for the victory ceremony and did not appear to be hurt seriously.

"It's a small cut that needed a few stitches, it's not that bad," Deisler said later.

The victory gave new Bayern coach Felix Magath his first title with the club.

Bayern, which finished the Bundesliga championship behind Bremen, failed to win a trophy last season, prompting the departure of coach Ottmar Hitzfeld.

The League Cup, a lightly regarded competition, traditionally precedes the Bundesliga season, which kicks off Friday. Bayern captured its fifth League Cup.

"It's a small start," Magath said. "There are still a few things we need to work on."

Deisler scored his first goal in the 27th minute, sending what was intended as a cross into the Bremen area. Bremen goalkeeper Andreas Reinke misjudged the flight of the ball and it ended up inside the far post.

In the 44th, Deisler struck a spectacular right-footed shot into the upper corner with his right foot from 20 meters.

And in the 65th, Deisler fed Michael Ballack for Bayern's third.

Ivan Klasnic led Bremen's comeback that just fell short. Klasnic shook off three Bayern defenders to score in the 68th, then earned a penalty when he was brought down by Bayern's new Brazilian defender Lucio.

French defender Valerien Ismael converted the 74th-minute penalty and Bayern struggled to hold onto its lead.

"We dominated and led by three goals and then we allowed the game to slip away from us," Magath said. "We shouldn't let that happen."

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