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    Our love of the game eclipses championship
Xiao Xin
2004-07-17 06:44

Two weeks is not long enough to allow soccer fans to forget the grandeur of the splashy Euro 2004 championship.

Today's opening of the Asian Cup is thus not very well timed.

But soccer is indigenous. No matter how talented European and South American stars are or how splendid Euro 2004 was, Asian fans, including the Chinese, always cherish their own tournament on their own soil.

The fact that even after a string of scandals in the domestic league, thousands of fans have still bought tickets only underlines that point.

The fans' innate passion for the game makes it a moral obligation for the Asian Cup organizing committee to provide a tidy, if not high-profile, tournament.

Euro 2004 set an example for us. Featuring high-level and drama-laden matches, it was free of major officiating controversies such as those that tarnished the World Cup two years ago. And above all the fans were more enthused about the joy of the game than victory for any particular team.

After the final between host Portugal and underdog Greece, Portuguese fans did not seem fatally upset when Greece triumphed. They congratulated the winner and said they were proud their nation hosted such a well-organized tournament.

What can Chinese fans do to demonstrate similar graciousness?

The Asian Cup is an opportunity for us to show our overseas friends that we can hold a quality tournament. Whether China's team ultimately triumphs should not be our primary concern.

If our national team can display fresh skills, good teamwork, and sportsmanship, fans should be satisfied no matter what the outcome.

And if the organizers do a good job and the fans show their true love of the game, there will be no losers, regardless of who ultimately hoists the Asian Cup.

(China Daily 07/17/2004 page4)