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Walking Into The Family of The Marquis of Dai
By Xi Xuelian (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2004-06-08 11:37

Located in the eastern suburbs of Changsha, the Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tombs were uncovered in 1972. The tombs, which date back some 2,100 years to the Western Han dynasty (206BC-25AD), contained the remains of the Marquis Dai, his wife and son, and their most prized possessions.

Among the more than 3,000 relics unearthed, were exquisite lacquer-ware, musical instruments, silk paintings, pottery and Chinese medicinal herbs. There was also a complete text of the Daoist classic 'I Ching' written on silk. Of all the remains, the most astonishing was the corpse of Zin Hui, the Marquess of Dai, which was extremely well preserved. Most of the artifacts including the corpses can now be found in the Hunan Provincial Museum.

The exhibition hall of the Han Tombs at Mawangdui

Look down from the visiting platform of grave pit of the tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui

A spectacular flash show of the situation of West Han Dynasty in the Muesum. Don't miss it if you have the chance to visit Changsha.

The reconstruction Statue of Marquise Dai "Xin Zhui", who is 158cm in height and thought to be a beauty.

Bronze mirror.

Lacquer with painted design

visitors were attracted by cultural relics.

Fine gown showing amazingly accomplished weaving technique.


Gauze Gown in Plain Color,Su Sha Dan Yi in Chinese, the lightest clothes in the world, weighed 49 grams only. [pictures by Xi Xuelian from chinadaily.com.cn]


Information for Visitors:
About Hunan Provincial Museum
Open Time:  Summer: 8:00am -18:00pm
            Open All Year Round

Add: No. 50 Dongfeng Road, Changsha 长沙市东风路50号
Email: hnmuseum@hnmuseum.com

Hunan Provincial Museum is located at No. 50 Dongfeng Road, Changsha, next to the Martyr's Park(Lie Shi Gong Yuan) and the Zoological Garden, enjoying very convenient location. It takes about 10 minutes by car from here to the Wuyi Road in the city center and the Railway Station and less than 30 minutes to Huanghua International Airport of Changsha. Buses No. 112, 113, 150, 136, 146, 302, 303 have stops at Hunan Provincial Museum.

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