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Focusing Henan on Internet curtains up
By Xiejingwei (Chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2004-04-29 15:22

The curtain rose on the Third Focusing Henan on Internet in Zhengzhou, provincial capital of Central China's Henan Province on April 25, 2004.

The event, introduced in 2002 and to be held annually, is supported by the News Office of the State Council and sponsored by the Publicity Department of the CPC (Communist Party of China)'s Henan Provincial Committee and the provincial government.

Some 60 journalists from 32 websites, including xinhuanet.com, people.com.cn, china.com.cn, chinadaily.com.cn, sina.com.cn, sohu.com and chinataiwan.org, were invited to make a six-day field trip in Zhengzhou, Nanyang, Xuchang, Xinxiang and Jiaozuo. They are expected to report the province's achievements in economic, social and cultural development..

As the Internet becomes an increasingly popular media in China, Henan Province strives to introduce itself to the world and attract more cooperation opportunities from both home and abroad through the so-called "fourth media".

Henan is the first province of the country to launch such a large-scale publicizing activity through the Internet media. 21 websites participated in last year's Focusing Henan event.

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