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Hong Kong ... ...
    Liaison Office hails NPC decision

2004-04-27 06:45

The decision on the election process in Hong Kong was hailed yesterday by a leading member of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

He said the office firmly supports the Chinese National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee's decision on Hong Kong's constitutional development.

He believed that the majority of Hong Kong residents also support the NPC Standing Committee's new decision.

The ninth meeting of the 10th NPC Standing Committee yesterday adopted a decision which favours modification of the existing methods for selecting the Hong Kong's chief executive in 2007 and forming the Legislative Council in 2008.

The decision said the method of universal suffrage shall not apply to the election of the third chief executive in 2007, nor to the election of all members of the fourth Legislative Council in 2008.

According to the decision, the half by half ratio for members of the Legislative Council from the functional groups and from constituency elections shall remain unchanged, and the procedures for voting on bills and motions in the Legislative Council shall remain unchanged.

However, the decision said that specific methods for selecting the chief executive in 2007 and forming the Legislative Council in 2008 could be "appropriately modified" on the principle of gradual and orderly progress and in accordance with the Basic Law.

The leading member said the NPC Standing Committee's decision is another important measure for properly handling the issue of Hong Kong's constitutional development, made according to the actual situation in Hong Kong, related articles of the Basic Law and interpretations.

He said the decision was made after extensively collecting views from various walks of life in Hong Kong and views of related departments of the central government.

He said the NPC Standing Committee exercised its power and duty, entrusted by the central authorities and the Basic Law, by adopting the decision, which indicates the central authorities' high degree of responsibility for all Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots.

He said the important decision was helpful to various walks of life in Hong Kong for sober-minded discussion and reaching consensus on the amendment of the methods for selection of the chief executive in 2007 and formation of the Legislative Council in 2008.

He believed the decision is also helpful to the sound and steady development of Hong Kong's democratic election system on the track of the Basic Law.

He stressed that the decision is in favour of maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and safeguarding the happiness and well-being of Hong Kong residents as well as the overall interests of Hong Kong.

He said the decision advocates the practising of Hong Kong's constitutional development in a gradual and orderly process according to the actual situation in Hong Kong and in accordance with the Basic Law, adding that the mandate reflects the consistent stance of the central authorities.

He said with the common efforts of the HKSAR government and Hong Kong residents, Hong Kong's democratic system would surely advance. The ultimate goal is the selection of the chief executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nomination committee in accordance with democratic procedures and the election of all members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage.

He said the central authorities have been attaching great importance to and supporting the gradual development of HKSAR's democratic system which is adapted to Hong Kong's specific situation and within the framework of the Basic Law.

He said the liaison office firmly supports the HKSAR government, headed by Tung Chee-hwa, and the various walks of life in Hong Kong to make concerted efforts for achieving the goal.

He stressed that with the powerful support of the central authorities and strong backup of the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong's tomorrow would be more beautiful so long as Hong Kong compatriots unite as one and make concerted efforts.


(HK Edition 04/27/2004 page2)