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Saga of Becks' 'affair' shows no signs of faltering
Updated: 2004-04-08 10:41

The frenzy over David Beckham's rumoured exploits in the bedroom took several more sleazy twists and turns Wednesday.

England soccer captain David Beckham, right, with his wife Victoria, and son Brooklyn, in this March 4, 2001 file photo. [AP]
Tabloids differed over whether Rebecca Loos, reportedly the England soccer captain's "other woman," was crushed or unfazed at being dropped by Beckham. And former Australian tennis star Pat Cash added his two cents by telling the tabloid Sun he was "50 per cent certain" he had dallied with Loos. "They all looked the same after a while," Cash said. His manager, Jim Flarridy, added: "If he could remember he'd put his hand up, fair dinkum."

British tabloids have been in a lather since the News of the World reported Sunday that Beckham, who recently has spent most of his time away from his pop star wife Victoria while playing in Madrid, had a sexual relationship with Loos.

The daughter of a Dutch diplomat and an English mother, Loos worked for the star's management company SFX Group and acted as his assistant in Madrid until he cut ties with the firm in December.

In a statement released Sunday, Beckham insisted his marriage was happy and condemned "more and more ludicrous stories about my private life." But he stopped short of denying that an affair took place.

Loos, meanwhile, was attacked on all fronts.

On Tuesday, the Sun branded her as a sex-hungry bisexual who had affairs with three top tennis players. The Mirror added she "loves porn."

On Wednesday, she was dubbed the "sleazy senorita" and "Madrid temptress."

And it appears there may be more dirt.

The Sun says Loos alleges Beckham was also exchanging "red-hot phone (text) messages" with yet another woman.

The Sun, quoting a friend of Loos, also says she is about to go public with her story.

"I was never in love with David, I was happy to be his mistress," the paper said Loos told a friend.

But the Mirror said a close friend of Loos said "she is heartbroken because she still loves David."

Beckham and wife Victoria, better known as Posh Spice of the Spice Girls (news - web sites), are currently on a ski holiday in the French Alps with their two young sons, apparently mending their relationship.

"We are family" declared The Daily Mirror next to photos of the Beckhams.

The Sun was less sure, heading its coverage "Beckham and the sleazy senorita" and saying the soccer star had been "lured into a trap" by Loos.

Beckham's image got a boost Wednesday night when his ghostwritten autobiography, My Side, was honoured at the publishing trade's British Book Awards as the fastest-selling autobiography ever. It sold 103,000 copies in its first week, and has sold more than one million copies so far.

In Canada, the book is titled Beckham: Both Feet on the Ground.

In a video acceptance speech recorded before the latest tabloid allegations, Beckham said he wanted to thank everyone who bought the book "and most importantly to my family for supporting me throughout."

The Beckhams are a garish but well-loved couple with a palatial country home - "Beckingham Palace" - and two adorable sons, Brooklyn and Romeo.

They are also celebrity gold, and he is a cultural icon.

With his ever-changing blonde hairstyles and flamboyant fashions, Beckman combines athletic masculinity with metrosexual flair. He loves to show off designer duds and eye-catching jewelry and, on at least one occasion, bright pink nail polish. He's also been photographed wearing a sarong.

But after years of fawning coverage, Britain's famously fickle tabloid press appeared this week to have turned.

Rumours of tensions in the Beckhams' marriage have circulated since David left Manchester United last summer to play for superstar-packed Real Madrid. Victoria continued to spend most of her time in England, working to resurrect a sputtering solo career and looking after Brooklyn, five, and Romeo, 18 months.

Beckham is the world's most famous soccer star, drawing hordes of fans from London to Tokyo, lending his name to a hit film - Bend It Like Beckham - and appearing in lucrative ad campaigns for Adidas, Vodafone and Pepsi.

Some observers said the media drubbing might hurt Beckham's multimillion-dollar marketing pull, built on his carefully crafted image as a style leader and family man.

John Harris, a senior lecturer in sports at the University of Wales Institute in Cardiff, said Beckham had been given "an almost saintly image" by the British press.

The Beckhams "have cleverly built up a branded image, especially overseas. Within that, his clean-cut image is very important," he said.

"But a cynic might say that all publicity is good publicity."

Earlier this week, Beckham got some support from respected Daily Telegraph sportswriter Henry Winter.

"Beckham may be among the most famous names in the world, an individual recognized from African shanty towns to Hong Kong high-rises, but he remains remarkably free of ego," Winter wrote. "Precious occasionally, but still down to earth.

"That is why Beckham elicits so much sympathy as he deals with the intensification of interest in his private life. The prurient fascination of public and press in Beckham is inevitable but amid the feeding frenzy it should be remembered there are few decent role models in this country.

"Beckham, a magnificent ambassador for modern England, a self-made multimillionaire, an inspirational captain, should be lauded, not hunted."

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