
Basic Law ensures prosperity, stability
 Updated: 2004-04-01 16:38

The destiny and future of Hong Kong, as well as its sustained prosperity and stability, have all rested on the Basic Law, according to professor Wang Zhenmin of Tsinghua University. He made the remark in a recent seminar to mark the 14th anniversary of the creation of the Basic Law. Excerpts of his speech follow:

The Basic Law has provided the systems, policies and mechanisms necessary for Hong Kong's future development. In other words, it is the source of Hong Kong's success.

During the preparation of the Basic Law, the drafters carried out comprehensive and serious research into Hong Kong's successful experience in the past with a view to identifying the elements that had brought about its prosperity, stability and success and incorporating them into a set of legislation. One reason for doing that was to ensure that the city could retain those factors and remain prosperous and stable after returning to the motherland.

Where are these considerations embodied in the Basic Law?

First, any society, country or area that wants to be successful must make sure that its citizens enjoy sufficient rights and freedoms. If there are many limitations to their rights and freedoms, the economic and political development of these places will be hampered.

The Basic Law has provided for Hong Kong residents wide-ranging rights and freedoms in the political, economic and cultural realms, which are essential to the maintenance of the SAR's sustained development.

Second, in order to make sure that Hong Kong's success can perpetuate, the Basic Law has made a very appropriate stipulation as regards to the relationship between the central authorities and the SAR government.

The power vested by the Basic Law in the central government is essential for safeguarding not only national unity and sovereignty, but also Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. The high degree of autonomy the mini constitution has endowed on the SAR is also crucial in helping the city preserve its prosperity and stability.

Third, the Basic Law has provided a befitting political system for Hong Kong after reunification - an executive-led government that guarantees judicial independence and which ensures mutual support and checks and balances between the executive and legislative branches. This regime was formulated after studying the territory's past political system and comparing it with those of other countries, and according to the actual situation in Hong Kong.

It is undoubtedly the best political arrangement Hong Kong can get and is a system that is essential for Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

Many countries and areas have messed up their economies and social order as a result of problems with their political systems. Hong Kong's political framework, however, is a scientific system. It was mapped out after the Basic Law drafters had considered all related factors.

Furthermore, the Basic Law has provided for Hong Kong's perpetual success and prosperity, excellent and sound legal and judicial systems, the main part of which were inherited from the regimes existing before reunification. They are also imperative for the maintenance of the SAR's prosperity and stability. That explains why they have been preserved in the Basic Law.

Moreover, the Basic Law has furnished the territory with a robust economic system and comprehensive policies in cultural and external affairs, all of which are necessary for Hong Kong's continuous well-being.

Notwithstanding the fact that the Basic Law is the best piece of constitutional law Hong Kong has ever had, it does not necessarily mean success for Hong Kong. Success or not depends on the proper implementation and enforcement of this national legislation.

In the six years since reunification, the central government, aiming to ensure the success of Hong Kong, has adhered strictly to the Basic Law, fulfilling faithfully the duties the Basic Law has assigned to it and avoiding infringing on the SAR's autonomy.

Likewise, the SAR government should practise the Basic Law in a serious manner and the legislature, judiciary, professional bodies, different sectors of society and the general masses should abide by the mini constitution. This is the only way the SAR can achieve sustained prosperity and stability.

(China Daily, HK Edition)

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