Opinion>Readers Voice

Lord of the Ring is a pro-war, anti-China movie
harrison5  Updated: 2004-03-03 09:10

This is not a joke.

Like the people who gave us "Ben Hur" and "Ten Commandments" in the Fifties, the producers of "Lord of the Rings" are trying to instill a certain politicized image of war in the subconscious mind of the world's people. In this scenario, an aggressive maneuver is cloaked in the image of a defensive war waged by great white underdogs.

While the two other movies aimed to glorify Pax Romana and Judaism, "Lord of the Rings" glorifies war against physically unattractive 'infidels.'

Just look at the characters in the film very carefully: the bad little two-timing, fiendish goblin is a computerized composite of a physically unattractive, dwarfish Oriental person. The enemies are all subhuman trolls who can't even move around with graceful agility. Despite their physical prowess and numbers, the flying dragons are portrayed as being totally useless.

And the plot of the movies also portrays the final victors as underdogs counter-attacking an evil enemy. So the world's audience is led to think of the white guys in the plot as good defenders of freedom and not aggressors like they are in real life, and that their enemies are but clueless, cumbersome dragons and evil goblins.

Pay attention to the color of the goblin's skin and facial features. They are unmistakably Asian. The hero is a good and handsome white guy, and this is the image they want to sell to the world's audience.

It's got the stamp of approval by the CIA all over it. The evidence is everywhere in the movie. Its aim is to soften up the rest of the world before the 'great whites' move in with their 'counter-attack' much like Hitler 'counter-attacked' Poland at 4:45 a.m. on September 1, 1939.

If the goblin's role has to be played by a real person, it would have been an Asian. But then it would smack of racial profiling and stereotyping. Such a maneuver might backfire. That's why they need to have this computer image of a goblin or elf.

So now the Oscar has invaded China bigtime. Watch it, China. You might just get overwhelmed without a shot being fired if you are not careful of these insidious, innocuous-looking evil plots.

To repeat: the idea is to inculcate a bad subconscious image of an Oriental as a dishonest, manipulative, lying fiend that cannot be trusted.

So again, why has the movie won so many Oscars? It is all politics and not because its competitors are lesser in artistic sophistication in so many categories . It serves the purpose of putting into the subconscious minds of its audience -- especially the young ones -- the notion that the Orientals are untrustworthy subhumans and have to be eliminated in a Holy War.

Only a fool would think of it in the anachronistic time-frame of anti-Fascism. Instead, it is a way of selling the pro-war neoconservative ideology to the world.

I tell you -- WWIII is already on -- they want to do it gradually by slow strangulation of their main opponent -- you know who -- preferably without any casualties on their part.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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