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The evil root of all instability in the world today
wchao37  Updated: 2004-02-12 16:13

Many well-intentioned idealists in America still think the Bushies were doing a good thing when they invaded Iraq, sacking Saddam's palaces and murdering his two sons.

These folks don't seem to understand that GW Bush was not truly motivated by revenge for his dad, nor was he interested in bringing 'democracy' to a land whose original Sumerian settlers had been fashioning equitable modes of governance at least six millennia before the Vikings made their first tentative dart across the North Sea, braving the Labrador Currents to reach the Hudson Bay in North America.

They refuse to face the fact that it is the neocons' inane dream of world conquest, propelled by their anachronistic imperialist ideology and their solidarity with their Zionist cohorts that is at the root of all instability in the world today.

So how did the neo-cons come to believe that time was ripe for fulfilling their dream of world conquest?

A combination of factors had led them to embark on the pursuit of this dream: First, America's political, economic and military dominance in the post-Cold War era satisfied the pre-requisite conditions for its push in the fourth phase of its expansion. Second, the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc whetted their appetite while their zero-casualty exploits in Kosovo and Yugoslavia put a seal of approval on their fledgling geopolitical experiment. Third, the rise of China gave these racist Anglos an excuse to strike preemptively, since they are still cherishing this deep-seated fear of having to share the good life and limited resources with hordes of non-whites led by the Chinese, a fear that was highlighted in the recent breakdown of the Cancun talks over agricultural subsidies. Fourth, the Jewish desire for controlling water resources and ridding the Palestinians of financial support from Arabs and Iranians gave their plan the necessary political impetus on Capitol Hill during the 'smooth' phase of the war.

From Tony Blair's vantage point on the other side of the Atlantic, the main contention is that in the post-colonial world of Asia, Africa and Latin America many native peoples are still languishing in economic malaise under 'authoritarian' governments and so these folks must be missing their old colonial days and simply waiting for the Brits to return.

Otherwise how do you explain the smug confidence of a middle-level swashbuckling power like Britain attacking an ancient civilization like Iraq under false pretenses and still getting away with it? If the British parliament really hate Blair's policies with a vengeance as the hearing officials on Kelly's murder want the credulous world to believe, they would have gotten rid of Blair like they had dismissed Chamberlain at the beginning of WWII.

As it is, the British hearings are sounding more like a cunning facade providing a cover for Blair's tactical retreat. They have not touched the core issue which is the return of sovereignty to Iraq through a democratic election process in which Baath party members are allowed to participate.

Their real attitude can readily be seen in the case of Hongkong when on July 1 they instigated a huge demonstration through their surrogates against the anti-subversive Article 23 of the Basic Law, as if to show the world that Hongkongers would welcome their rule more than that of their own Chinese brethen in Beijing.

This of course was a disingenuous plot that simply could not have succeeded.

Hongkong's economic woes are those of a transitional economy re-adjusting to new economic realities. They have to do with her new role after China's Gaige Kaifang began to shift into high gear. The resultant inevitable changes rendered Hongkong's hitherto entreport status dispensable, and have absolutely nothing to do with China's resumption of sovereignty over the colony.

That's why the Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) is so important to the continued prosperity of both the Mainland and the Hongkong SAR. Its ratification is as much a political counter-punch to the neo-cons in Washington and neo-colonialists in London as it is an economic lifeline thrown to the struggling Hongkongers bobbing in the raging currents of change.

The demise of the Soviet Union thirteen years ago presented before the Anglo-Jewish cohorts the unique opportunity to test their aura of invincibility. Certainly not all Americans share this false sense of vainglorious omnipotence but their voices are effectively muffled in the face of zero-casualty battlefield successes in the Balkans.

Understandably very few Americans are willing to sacrifice their own welfare for the wild ambitions of the neo-cons, for inherent in the latter's plan is the dismantling of social security services and zero taxation for capital gains of the rich, so much so that all financial resources could be concentrated in the military-industrial complex to build absolute dominance in Outer Space. That's why they are so worked up about the likely successes of Shenzhou manned missions and so miffed about their implications.

Furthermore, government programs that had ensured social stability since the days of FDR will be thrown to the wolves and more Americans will be pushed below the poverty line with no discernible signs of imminent relief.

One only has to note in today's news that the three Anglo governments still insist that invading Iraq was the right decision to make DESPITE their own intelligence confirmation that no WMDs have been found after months of intensive search to realize the commitment the neo-cons have made to their diabolical scheme. Bush, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Australian PM Howard co-ordinated amongst themselves to emphazise their solidarity on the same day after the CIA pronouncement. Amongst the three Anglos, Bush's blueblooded lineage can even be traced to English King Longshank whose cruelty against the Scot rebels was so well portrayed in the movie "Braveheart" starring Mel Gibson. To the Three Blind Mice, nothing is more important than to coordinate a race war against China.

These Anglos of course would never openly tell the American people that their plans for war in March were in fact independent of the existence of WMD in Iraq. On the contrary, such invasion plans were premised on their pre-war finding that Iraq did NOT possess WMD. If such weapons had existed, do you believe American General Tommy Franks would have sent his troops rapidly across the deserts of southern Iraq and spearheaded them directly into Baghdad?

Even the blind Mr. Magoo can tell by now -- after all that is said and done -- that the ultimate target of the neo-cons and neo-colonialists is China. That is the unspoken cloaked dagger in world diplomatic circles today. The three must have been able to seal their bond of commitment by mutually witnessing their shared erectile excitement in the nude privacy of Bush's Texan sauna room. They must have gleefully congratulated one another over the occupation of strategic Iraq, and that's why they had continued to insist today that their invasion plan was 'on target.' In their lexicon, 'target' means China, not Iraq.

But of course they cannot utter those words in their camouflage underwear outside the sauna room, since they still want to hide their self-induced excitement while laying down strategic pieces on their China-Encirclement Chessboard, and they definitely still need China's help in solving irksome problems popping up from time to time, as in the case of the suddenly-multiplying-nukes in a place called North Korea.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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