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Updated: 2003-12-31 01:00

World's biggest cruise liner arrives in England
“玛丽女王2号”整装待发 期待新年处女航

The world's biggest cruise liner sailed into its home port of Southampton on England's south coast for the first time on Dec 26.

Hundreds of onlookers watched as the 0 million vessel arrived, dwarfing a flotilla of small boats that sprayed jets of water into the air to greet the ship into Southampton's docks.

"This is a real moment in maritime history," said John Brown, one of many people who crowded the shore to see the ship.

The Queen Mary 2, which stands as high as a 23-story building, arrived from Saint-Nazaire in France where it was built. Fifteen people were killed when a temporary walkway collapsed as they were crossing it on a tour of the ship last month.

The new British owner, Cunard Lines, said the welcome ceremony was subdued out of respect for those killed.

The 150,000 ton ship will be officially named by Queen Elizabeth on January 8, four days before it leaves on its maiden cruise to Fort Lauderdale in Florida.

Longer than three football pitches, the ship will carry about 3,000 passengers on its first cruise. A ticket for a top cabin costs around ,000.

The ship has more than 1,300 cabins including four royal suites and six penthouse apartments, and is serviced by a crew of more than 1,200 people.











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