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 Language Tips > 2003
Updated: 2003-07-18 01:00

Bungee jumping allowed in Singapore

Singapore will now permit bungee jumping. Also, people can dance on the bar in saloons allowed to stay open 24 hours. And theater performances can use explicit language.

"In fact, so changed is our mind-set that we will even allow reverse bungee," Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said Saturday, in launching a "Remake Singapore" program designed to shake up the dull image of this famously uptight city-state.

Or at least try.

While being catapulted into the sky at the end of a giant rubber band is now allowed, jaywalking at bus stations is forbidden.

So Singapore's government remains in strict control, even in its efforts to loosen up and market itself as a media and arts center.

Among the committee's more than 100 proposals to remodel society is an "Audience Development Fund" to "educate" citizens about art and encourage flea markets with no government permit.

Earlier, the prime minister also said his administration would begin employing openly gay people, a surprising development in Singapore, where homosexuality is thought to violate conservative Asian social norms.

"Not every room needs to be furnished to the same taste," Goh said. "Some may like their room to have cool colors, while others may prefer to decorate it with pinups."

Permitting bar-top dancing - once a legal offense - also was announced, along with the longer bar hours.

"If we want our people to make more decisions for themselves, and if we are to encourage a derring-do society, we must allow some risk taking and a little excitement," Goh said.

Singaporeans enjoy one of Asia's highest standards of living under some of the world's strictest laws. The government regularly fines people for spitting and not flushing public toilets and only recently allowed the sale of chewing gum.

Critics have long argued that there is not enough room for dissent and that the pace of liberalization in this Southeast Asian island republic of 4 million is glacially slow.

The government censors movies and television shows it considers too racy, such as the HBO series "Six Feet Under," deemed too explicit and out of line with Singaporean society.

Cosmopolitan magazine and HBO's "Sex and the City " are banned.










早些时候政府宣布允许在吧台上跳舞,而这曾经是违法的, 同时还允许酒吧延长营业时间。







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