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Updated: 2002-07-01 01:00

A Need to Make Animals Happier (2002/07/01)
善待动物--我们责无旁贷 (2002/07/01)
Satellites will shortly swing into action to track sheep grazing habits as part of a project to design farms that make animals happier.

The Food Animal Initiative combines scientists from Oxford University and farmers funded by British food industry giants supermarket Tesco and burger chain McDonalds UK.

"Animals are every farmer's first priority, so it is important that they're given the best care," rural affairs television presenter John Craven said, launching the project.

Apart from tracking sheep to help redesign fields, the initial phase of the project will encourage pigs to indulge in a bit of satisfying rooting and create shady spots for cows to have their calves in natural comfort.

"Our expertise...is in using animal behavior to tell us what the animals want," said Oxford University head of Zoology, Paul Harvey.








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