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Updated: 2001-08-24 01:00

Thousands gather for Spanish tomato tossing (2001/08/24)
Some 30,000 people filled the streets of Bunol on Wednesday to hurl 120 tons of tomatoes at each other, the mayor's office said, in the traditional Tomatina de Bunol festival.

The festival dates back to a street fight in 1945 and is celebrated every August when the town's 10,000 residents and around 20,000 visitors descend on Bunol to throw tons of ripe fruit at each other.

Most of those taking part in the organized chaos come prepared in swimwear, with some donning diving goggles and bathing caps before six trucks drive through the town's streets pouring their cargo of ripe fruit onto the town's streets.

After the festivities, residents and sticky combatants joined local authorities to give the streets a thorough hosedown.







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