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Students asked to contribute more
( 2003-10-09 09:54) (China Daily)

China offers the best opportunities for Chinese students studying abroad and returned scholars who want to start their own business, said President Hu Jintao yesterday.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has decided to do more to develop the skills of students to enrich the country, said Hu.

He made the remarks during celebrations to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA).

Hu called on Chinese students abroad to contribute more wisdom and strength to the all-round construction of a better-off society in their motherland.

China's strategy of building a well-off society gives overseas students and returned scholars more opportunities to start their own businesses and to serve their country and people, Hu said.

Speaking highly of the tremendous contributions made by returning students throughout China's history, the president said practice had proved that students returned from overseas had lofty ambitions to contribute to the motherland, to the people and to the Chinese nation.

Students returning from overseas are China's valuable assets, an important component part of China's human resources and a vital force propelling China's social development and rejuvenation, Hu acknowledged.

Hu also urged CPC committees and governments at all levels to realize the major significance of helping returning students, calling on them to conscientiously implement relevant policies and attract more students to participate in domestic construction or to serve the country in a variety of ways.

He encouraged overseas students to absorb as much scientific and cultural knowledge as possible.

The WRSA has become one of the nation's largest organizations for returning overseas students since it was established 90 years ago, said its deputy chief Han Qide.

The WRSA includes more than 11,000 members who have studied in a total of 49 countries and regions.

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