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Party members urged to start new upsurge of Studying Three Represents Thought

( 2003-06-23 13:53) (Xinhua)

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has issued a circular requiring all Party members to start a new upsurge of studying the important thought of Three Represents.

According to the circular, it is a historic decision contributing to the establishment of the thought as a long-term guideline the Party should implement, together with Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

The 16th National Congress of the Party convened last year advocated the theory as an important strategic tool, the circular said.

The circular said the Three Represents thought was a product of Marxist principles and Chinese practical circumstances that provided a scientific basis for development of the Party and the nation.

Thorough implementation of the thought in every aspect of work would be of vital importance to China, which was facing strategic challenges and opportunities during the first 20 years of the 21st century, stated the circular.

The circular called on Party members and officials to grasp the basic spirit of the thought and apply it in dealing with practical matters.

Party departments at all levels were urged to conduct various training programs for members and Party officials were required to take part in the programs.

The CPC committees at different levels should give top priority to the learning campaign and make plans under the direction of the CPC Central Committee, the circular said.

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