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Muslim rebels say American hostage beheaded
( 2001-06-12 09:26 ) (7 )

Muslim rebels have beheaded one of three American hostage in the Philippines, a rebel spokesman said in a radio interview Tuesday.

Californian Guillermo Sobrero was executed after President Gloria Arroyo refused to call off military operations against the kidnappers, the spokesman for the Abu Sayyaf rebel group told DZMM radio.

"Look for his head in Tuburan," spokesman Abu Sabaya said. Tuburan is a town on the southern island of Basilan.

Sabaya threatened to also behead the other two American captive, Christian missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham, both from Kansas.

Arroyo's national security adviser Roilo Golez told the radio the news of Sobrero's execution was still "subject to confirmation".

Peru-born Sobrero, in his late thirties, lived in Corona city California before being kidnapped along with the Burnhams and 17 Filippinos from a Philippine holiday resort on May 27.

Rebel spokesman Sabaya told the radio station: "As an independence day gift we released an amigo, Guillermo Sobrero, but he doesn't have a head now."

Tuesday is the 103rd anniversary of the Philiipines' declaration of independence from Spain.

Sabaya said there would be no more negitiations with the government.

"There is no reason why we should not behead the others," he said.

"The government is full of double talk. We have beheaded Guillermo Sobrero. They better step up the rescue efforts otherwise they won't find anyone alive."

On Monday Arroyo bowed to the kidnappers' demand for Malaysian negotiators to be brought in, but refused to call off a military assault on the rebel stronghold of Basilan island in the southern Philippines.



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