CITYLIFE / Eating Out

Paris Baguette feast
Updated: 2006-08-03 10:41

This deli and bakery offers affordable fuel for our addiction: crisp bacon paired with cool lettuce and red peppers, tucked under layers of salty ham in a hearty roll; turkey zipped up with cranberries, tenderly placed atop fresh croissants; tuna and almond shavings spread between slices of sesame-sprinkled bread.

Forget spending RMB 50 for a sandwich -- here, you can take one away for RMB 15 to RMB 18, or enjoy one while perched on a comfy couch in one of their several sunny spaces around town. We advise, however, that you make a day of it. Start the morning off with a robust bagel, a soft scone or a light and buttery croissant. Coffee, tea and freshly squeezed juice start at RMB 18. Finally, bring home that little bundle of joy for your love: freshly baked French bread.

Address: No.131, Hubei Rd.
Tel: 021-63512577