Měi wèi de jiăo zi 美味的饺子

Updated: 2008-12-25 15:58
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Měi wèi de jiăo zi 美味的饺子 Delicious Dumplings


Lì li: Jiăo zi shì zhōng guó rén de chuán tǒng shí wù.

丽丽: 饺子是中国人的传统食物。

Lili: The dumpling is a traditional Chinese food.


Mài kè: Wài guó rén yě hěn xǐ huān tā. Jiăo zi dí què hăo chī.

麦克: 外国人也喜欢它。饺子的确好吃。

Mike: Foreigners like it too. Dumplings are really delicious.


Lì li: Jiăo zi de zhǒng lèi hěn duō, yǒu shuǐ jiăo, zhēng jiăo, jiān jiăo děng děng.

丽丽: 饺子的种类很多,有水饺、蒸饺、煎饺等等。

Lili: There are many kinds of dumplings; boiled, steamed or fried.


Mài kè: Jiăo zi xiànr yǒu hūn xiànr, hăi xiān xiànr, sù xiànr děng děng.

麦克: 饺子馅有荤馅、海鲜馅、素馅等等。

Mike: And fillings for dumplings could be meat, seafood, vegetables, or a mix of everything.


Lì li: Rén men chī jiăo zi shí tōng cháng zhàn xiē cù, zhè yàng jiăo zi de wèi dào huì gèng hăo.

丽丽: 人们吃饺子时通常蘸些醋,这样饺子的味道会更好。

Lili: People usually dip their dumplings in vinegar. They're even more delicious eaten this way.


Mài kè: Duì. Hái kě yǐ fàng duō zhǒng tiáo liào, rú jiàng yóu, cōng, jiāng, suàn, là jiāo.

麦克: 对。还可以放多种调料,如:酱油、葱、姜、蒜、辣椒。

Mike: Yes, and with a whole host of other condiments, too, like soy sauce, ginger, scallions, garlic, and spicy pepper.


Lì li: wǒ tōng cháng zài chāo shì măi sù dòng shuǐ jiăo, zhōu mò zì jǐ dòng shǒu bāo.

丽丽: 我通常在超市买速冻水饺,周末自己动手包。

Lili: I usually buy frozen dumplings at the supermarket. It's usually only at the weekends that I make my own dumplings.


Mài kè: Bāo jiăo zi hěn fèi shí jiān, dàn yě shì yì zhǒng lè qù.

麦克: 包饺子很费时间,但也是一种乐趣。

Mike: Making dumplings is time-consuming, but it's fun.


Lì li: Shì de. Wǒ men yǒu shí zài jiăo zi lǐ bāo yí gè yìng bì huò táng kuàir, chī dào tā de rén huì yǒu hăo yùn qì.

丽丽: 是的。我们有时在饺子里包一个硬币或糖块,吃到它的人会有好运气。

Lili: Yes, and we sometimes we put a coin or candy in the dumplings. The person who eats it will have good luck. Quite like a fortune cookie.


Mài kè: Xià cì nǐ bāo jiăo zi shí jiào shàng wǒ. Wǒ xiăng shì shi yùn qi.

麦克: 下次你包饺子时叫上我。我想试试运气。

Mike: Call me when you're making dumplings the next time. I'd love to try some!