US: President Hu resists pressure from Obama on RMB 2010-11-16 18:07:17
In a closed-door meeting at the G20 summit in Seoul, South Korea, President Hu Jintao "stood firm against (US president) Barack Obama's pressure on currency revaluation," said an article in Wall Street Journal on Nov 12.
US: Three tips to keep your top Chinese talent 2010-10-13 15:08:21
How can a multinational company retain well-trained top Chinese employees to "ensure they do not leave to work for a competitor taking the company's proprietary information for a minor pay increase?" asked Joel Backaler, a blogger in Forbes on Oct 12.
Britain: China's global dominance in green jobs growing 2010-10-08 11:47:16
China is "prevailing in the global race for green jobs in sectors from solar panels to advanced lighting, and appears to be on an unstoppable upward path," said an annual report by cleantech research firm Clean Edge in a Reuters article on Oct 6.
Developing China's soft power 2010-09-26 10:17:34
China should learn how to export its political and social values abroad, said Daniel A. Bell, a professor of political philosophy at China's Tsinghua University in the New York Times on Sep 23.
As China's wealthy grow in numbers, so do their protectors 2010-09-21 11:11:45
Private bodyguards may become "the most visible sign of the explosion of private wealth in China," said an article in the Washington Post on Sept 19.

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