
Whistleblower confined in psychiatric center for 14-yrs

By Yan Weijue (
Updated: 2011-01-04 19:29
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A man who was forced in a psychiatric center for impeachment of officials 14 years ago looks set to be released thanks to his daughter's sensational post on the Internet, Yangcheng Evening News reported Tuesday.

The daughter, who used the online name "Guo Hanyun" resorted to the cyber platform after failing to win her father, Guo Yuanrong's release, said the report.

According to her Jan 1 post in, a popular Chinese internet forum, Guo Yuanrong, an employee of a construction bureau in Zhuxi city of Hubei province, had continually reported an official in the same bureau for financial wrongdoing since 1994, added the report.

The local public security bureau arrested Guo on April 29, 1998, and put him into a psychiatric center with a warrant saying the "schizoid" informant whose out-of-line behavior had caused harm for society should receive compelled treatment due to his families' poor supervision.

Guo Hanyun concluded her online appeal with a marriage promise to anyone who may help to save her father, which was a marketing ploy to attract more attention.

The post received floods of replies along with an explosion of media coverage with public security and construction officials meeting with Guo Hanyun just two days later.

But negotiations broke off due to her request for compensation for her father's suffering.