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Hu: China, US still need to stay the same course

Updated: 2010-06-27 08:14
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Toronto: Chinese President Hu Jintao told the United States President Barack Obama that the two countries still need to stay the same course and work together to ensure a win-win situation.

Hu made the remarks as the two met Saturday afternoon in Toronto prior to the opening of the G20 summit.

Hu told Obama that the bilateral relation has recently made real progress thanks to joint effort made by both sides.

Yet "as the global and regional affairs are undergoing complicated and profound changes, China and the US face common challenges as to accelerate the further recovery of world economy and jointly handle the regional hotspots and global issues," said Hu.

The two countries "need to carry out together the spirit of staying the same course and cooperate for win-win situation," Hu said.

Hu said that China is willing to keep exchanges with the US side on various levels, and deepen solid cooperation in every sector, strengthen the communication and coordination on major world and regional issues, and to push forward the bilateral relations to develop in a positive, cooperative and all-around track.

Hu also said that China is willing to work together with other countries to push for concrete results of the G20 meetings.

It is the second meeting between Hu and Obama since bilateral ties between China and US got strained at the beginning of the year.

In February, the Obama administration passed a $6.4 billion arms sale package to Taiwan and Obama met with Dalai Lama, who China labeled as a separatist, further agonizing China.

The meeting between Hu and Obama during the Washington Nuclear Summit in April has put the bilateral ties partly in track. Yet disputes including that on Chinese currency and trade frictions still linger.