About Population Policy

The National Family Planning Program of China 1995-2000

Updated: 2010-08-20 15:07
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IX. Consolidate the Ranks of Family Planning Workers and Improve Their Quality

(31) Efforts should be made to consolidate the ranks of family planning institutions at various levels. Competent cadres should be selected to reinforce these institutions to help form a contingent of family planning workers with a rational composition of professional expertise and ages. They should be devoted to their work, and have a thorough understanding of relevant policies and expertise in management and mass work. Governments at all levels should show great concern for and take good care of family planning officials and workers. Advanced units and model workers should be cited for their outstanding achievements and efforts should be made to help them solve problems in their work and daily life.

(32) Full or part-time family planning workers should be provided for townships, neighborhood committees, factories, enterprises and institutions. A proper resolution should be found to problems regarding pay and other benefits.

(33) Training of family planning workers at all levels should be strengthened. While attention is paid to continued education and short-term training that serves some practical purposes, a systematic in-service professional training should be offered to all full-time family planning workers during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period to help enhance their ideological qualities and professional competence.

(34) Efforts should be made to develop education regarding population and family planning and incorporate it into the national and local education plans. A population and family planning education system with a proper scope and reasonable structure should be formed to help train a contingent of professionally well-trained and competent family planning workers.