
Fewer meetings and documents for top court

By Wang Jingqiong (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-12-21 08:08
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BEIJING - China's top court has decided to reduce by one-third the number of its meetings and printed documents next year compared to this year, President of the Supreme People's Court Wang Shengjun said on Monday.

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The decision is based on the view that the court system holds more meetings than are necessary and issues too many documents, practices that do not solve genuine problems and waste resources.

Wang announced the new move at a meeting with the country's provincial-level judges. Calling excessive meetings and documents "pure formalism" that should be ended, he encouraged the lower courts to follow the top court's example.

"Before organizing any conference or printing any document, we should ask ourselves a question: Will any problem be solved after this? If the answer is no, I suggest canceling the conference and the documents," said Wang.