
5-year blueprint to benefit cross-Straits ties

Updated: 2010-11-18 16:13
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CHONGQING - The Chinese mainland's Taiwan affairs chief said Thursday the implementation of the mainland's 2011 to 2015 development blueprint will create opportunities for cross-Straits cooperation.

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The implementation of the Twelfth Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on National Economic and Social Development will benefit people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, said Wang Yi, director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Wang, also director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said at the opening of the Taiwan Week in the southwest China municipality of Chongqing that his office will support the city becoming an important place for the mainland and Taiwan to cooperate in high-tech industries.

More than 1,200 Taiwan investors are attending the Taiwan Week in Chongqing, a ten-day event that features exhibitions and business promotion forums.