Government and Policy

Top legislature adopts social insurance law

Updated: 2010-10-28 22:59
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BEIJING - China's top legislature Thursday voted to adopt a social insurance law, after reading it four times and releasing the draft to the general public for feedback.

The National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee also voted to adopt the law on law application to civil relationships involving foreign interests, the revised Organic Law of Villagers' Committees, as well as the amendment to the Law on Deputies to the NPC and Local People's Congresses at Various Levels.

China's Social Insurance Law regulates five basic social security insurances that concern all citizens' interests: basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, employment injury insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance.

The Social Insurance Law was first proposed and planned about 16 years ago by the top legislature.

The law's first draft was submitted to the top legislature in December 2007.