
Around China: China records most plastic surgeries in Asia

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-08-11 07:49
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1 Beijing

Ministry denies sending criminals abroad

China's Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday rejected foreign media reports that Chinese companies had been sending convicted criminals to work on projects abroad in order to prevent overcrowding in prisons.

This type of reporting is "nonsensical, with no facts or evidence," the ministry said in an official statement on its website.

Under China's codes on overseas contracted projects and labor cooperation, enterprises can only send workers with no criminal records, the statement said.

Convicted criminals and people sent to reeducation through labor camps are prohibited from traveling abroad under Chinese law, the ministry said.

China records most plastic surgeries in Asia

A survey conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) has shown that more people went under the knife for cosmetic enhancements in China than in any other Asian country in 2009, the Mirror Evening News reported on Tuesday.

Statistics from the ISAPS suggested that the United States recorded the most plastic surgery operations in the world last year, taking up 17.5 percent of the total, followed by Brazil. China ranked the third, accounting for 12.7 percent of the total, followed by India.

2 Guangdong

Public health services on track for Games

Preparation work to ensure medical and public health services for the 16th Asian Games and the following Asian Para Games is progressing smoothly, Guangzhou health authorities said on Tuesday.

Some 1,963 professional medical workers, 89 ambulances and 35 designated hospitals will provide medical services for visitors to the city for the two Games.

Work to ensure public health security will focus on food and water safety, as well as disease prevention and control. Smoking will be banned in public areas starting Sept 1.

3 Xinjiang

Police confiscate 6 million fake invoices

Police in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have confiscated nearly 6 million fake invoices, 24 times the number of bogus invoices seized in 2009, from January to the end of July in a regionwide crackdown on invoice-related crimes, Zhao Lin, a senior police officer, said on Tuesday.

Xinjiang police have nabbed a total of 154 criminal suspects on charges of making and selling bogus invoices in 54 cases.

4 Jilin

Rescuers race against time to save 18 miners

Rescuers are racing against time to save 18 miners trapped in a coal mine that was flooded shortly after midnight on Tuesday, before a new deluge hits the area in Jilin province.

The accident occurred at 12:10 am in the Hongyuan Coal Mine in Erdaojiang district of Tonghua, the third largest city in Jilin, said Zhang Dejun, spokesman for the city government.

He said the miners were working below ground to pull out machinery that had been soaked after days of torrential rain when the flooding occurred.

He said rescuers were pumping water out of the mine, which was near the lower reaches of the Daluoquangou River. However, a reservoir upstream was poised to discharge floodwater on Tuesday.

5 Henan

Bomb hoax caller jailed for 18 months

A man was jailed on Tuesday for causing a bomb hoax on an airplane in Henan province in a bid to stop his girlfriend from visiting the Shanghai Expo.

The Gulou District People's Court in Henan's Kaifeng city sentenced Tian Yu, 21, to a year and half behind bars.

On May 8, Tian phoned the Xinzheng International Airport in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province, and relayed false information of a bomb on a flight to Shanghai after he failed to persuade his girlfriend to not visit the Expo, a court spokesman said.

6 Chongqing

Officials turn in $4.8m of gray income

Government officials in Chongqing handed in a total of 32.7 million yuan ($4.8 million) of their gray income (money earned outside a paycheck) over the past three months in response to the municipal overhauling movement, Chongqing Evening News reported on Tuesday.

The movement, launched by the Chongqing municipal government on April 12, focuses on gray income, misuse of the State-owned vehicles and officials involved in illegal businesses.

A total of 1,187 the State-owned cars had been seized as a result of violation of regulations as of July 30, and 2,890 officials have been ordered to provide detailed information of their family members, such as their jobs and financial condition.

China Daily - Xinhua