CHINA / National

China blasts US statement on 'Tiananmen incident'
Updated: 2006-06-07 10:55

China opposes the United States's rude interference into China's internal affairs by issuing a statement on the 1989 "Tiananmen incident", Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said on Wednesday.

"The U.S. statement is a groundless criticism and attack on China," Liu Jianchao said in a statement.

The U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack on Sunday issued a statement on the "Tiananmen incident". The statement urged China to provide a "full accounting" of the incident.

"China has already had a clear-cut conclusion on the political disturbance that took place in China at the end of the 1980's," Liu said.

Over the past years, China has witnessed social stability and economic growth, achieved important progresses in building democracy and legal system, Liu said.

"The Chinese people enjoy all the human rights and freedom in line with the law," the spokesman said, adding the Chinese government and people will unswervingly pursue the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

"China is strongly dissatisfied with and resolutely opposes the U.S. statement on 'Tiananmen incident', which severely violates the basic norms guiding international relations and wantonly interferes into China's internal affairs," Liu said. 

The spokesman asked the United States to seriously think about and reflect on how to deal with its own severe violation of human rights within and out of the United States.