BIZCHINA / National Technological and Economic Zones

Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone

Updated: 2006-04-18 17:45

Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone was approved as state-level deveopment zone in April 1993. The zone has a developed area of 10 square kilometers.
Geographical Location
Wuhu Economic & Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) is situated in north Wuhu, Anhui Province. Facing East China and backed by Middle China, Wuhu is one of the important cities in the Yangtze Delta Economic Rim.

Communication and Transportation
The main traffic routes in the zone are part of the municipal transportation network and are directly joined with three expressways leading to Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Hefei. The largest dual-use (railway and highway) bridge over the Yangtze River is in Wuhu and 3 expressways and 5 railways converge here. Wuhu Harbor is also the last deep-water port at the upper stream of the Yangtze River joining all important ports around the globe. Water carriage routes were opened to such designations as Hong Kong, Japan and Southeast Asia. WEDZ is one hour's ride to Luokou International Airport of Nanjing, and Luogang Airport of Hefei, both of which have flights to major domestic and foreign destinations.

Industrial Structure
Three pillar industrial groups have come into shape in WEDZ, including automobiles and parts, electronics and electrical appliances and new building materials.

Investment Priorities
In view of its industrial structure and current stage of development, WEDZ encourages investment in the following sectors:

Automobile and parts
1. Development and manufacturing of car bodywork and accessories
2. Development, manufacturing and assembling of car engines, gear-boxes, and other key components
3. Development and manufacturing of car moulds
4. Development and manufacturing of electronic products for cars
5. Precision founding of major car components, black founding, and colored casting semi-products production
6. Development and manufacturing of new light materials for cars
7. Development and manufacturing of key car parts and components
8. Development and manufacturing of car discharge emission systems
9. Development and manufacturing of car accreditation and inspection systems

Electronics and electrical appliances
1. Development and manufacturing of intelligentized household appliances
2. Development and manufacturing of new electronic components
3. Development and manufacturing of photo-electronic products
4. Design, development and packaging of integrated circuits

New materials
1. New building materials
2. New energy-saving materials
3. Micro-electronic and photo-electronic materials
4. Surface coatings and films
5. High-quality structure materials
6. Environmental friendly materials.

Bio-medical and bio-pharmaceutical products
1. Development and manufacturing of bio-medicines and drugs
2. Development and manufacturing of new traditional Chinese medicines
3. Development and manufacturing of synthetic and chemical medicines
4. Development and manufacturing of medical equipment and electronic apparatus
5. Development and manufacturing of new refined chemicals.

Software products
Development of software platforms and intermediaries for all types of business applications; application systems in broad-band networks; critical software for corporate informatization and information security system; and management software for E-commerce.

Development and cultivation of innovative export-oriented industries and the upgrading and reengineering of existing sectors by applying new and high technologies.

Administration Committee
Tel: 86-553-5841768
Fax: 86-553-5841876

(Source: Ministry of Commerce)

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