BIZCHINA / Intellectual property

Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (2000)

Updated: 2006-04-17 14:45

Article 66.  The administrative authority for patent affairs may not take part in recommending any patented product for sale to the public or any such  commercial activities.
Where the administrative authority for patent affairs violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall be ordered by the authority at the next higher level or the supervisory authority to correct its mistakes and eliminate the bad effects. The illegal earnings, if any, shall be confiscated. Where the circumstances are serious, the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with  law.    

Article 67.   Where any State functionary working for patent administration or  any other State functionary concerned neglects his duty, abuses his power, or engages in malpractice for personal gain, which constitutes a crime, shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability in accordance with law. If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given  disciplinary sanction in accordance with law.

Chapter VIII   Supplementary Provisions

Article 68.   Any application for a patent filed with, and any other proceedings before, the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council  shall be subject to the payment of a fee as prescribed.

Article 69.    This Law shall enter into force on April l, 1985.

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